Mruthyunjaya Velvi

Mruthyunjaya Velvi2020-03-05T10:24:04+00:00

The Mrunthyunjaya Yagna alleviates the participants from chronic health disorders. The devotee is allowed to perform the Yagna and is given the sacred ashes from the yagna as prasadam (2 days after the Yagna).

The devotee is prescribed to store the Prasadam (herbs’ ash) in front of the 18 Siddhars’ photo, light a ghee lamp, pray to Lord Ganesha, chant the 18 SiddharPotri and pray to Divine Mother Mandhirappavai before consuming a pinch of the ash dissolved in 50ml of water. This process should be performed once a day either 1 hour before or 1 hour after (be consistent with either before or after food throughout) food for 21 consecutive days.

The Mrunthyunjaya Yagna is performed in our Temple on all No-Moon days commencing at 11:00 AM. This yagna was given to Chandran (Moon God) by Lord Siva to treat his ailment. These mantras were given to us through the divine voice of the 18 Siddhars. The yagna is performed in the Siddha tradition using pure sacrificial herbs and other prescribed entities.

Note1: Diseases due to Navagraha Doshas, Curses or bad-spellworking requires other yagamas  Navagraha saba Nivarthi velvi  and OushadhaVelvi 

Note2: This velvi is done on New Moon days (Ammavasya) Only. Contact 044-2246 0820, 2246 2910


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