Kamala Munivar

Kamala Munivar2020-03-05T11:01:29+00:00


He was very fond of chanting PANCHATCHARA mantra of Lord Siva. His body looked like a piece of red hot iron. But he used to remain cool. He spoke to people in a soft manner. By looking at him one can get peace of mind. He always had a sweet smile on his face. He preferred to sit in JALA SAMADHI, quite often, for months at a time. By touching the head of the disciples, he could activate the dormant Kundalini sakti. Without exposing himself he used to sit in temples and do his worship quietly. Never liked astral journey but loved to walk long distances, during pilgrimages.

With his blessings one can get a luxurious life, in a moment. Adverse effects, of planets like Rahu and Ketu, can be nullified and one can lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life.


He is considered as the personification of Love. He has the complete understanding of all yagnas (fire sacrifices) and their methodologies. He is a master of Siva-Yogam. Worshipping him at the Pallikaranai Temple on Mondaysbenefits the devotee with job satisfaction, inclination towards spirituality and obtaining leadership qualities.

How to Worship

Devotees are advised to visit the temple on Mondays for 12 to 18 weeks, sit at the Siddhar Sannidhi and pray to the specific Siddhar for 10 minutes with closed eyes in a meditative pose. Before commencing this prayer, you are required to light 5 ghee lamps, dedicate an Archanai to Divine Mother Mandhirappavai and recite the Siddhar Potrigal once. Optionally the devotees are encouraged to sponsor the Siddhar Malar Malai which is observed on all full-moon days during this 18-week worship. On completing this 18-week worship, you’ll start to observe positive changes in your life with the blessings on the Siddhars, we recommend continue visiting and praying the Siddhars at the temple on full-moon and no-moon days which is believed to enhance the results.We encourage interested devotees to sponsor the Full-moon Annadhanam at our temple where nearly 3000 people are fed as a mark of your thanksgiving, after benefitting from your worship.

Benefits of Worship

Praying to Kamalamuni for 12 to 18 Mondays (at our temple) will help a devotee:

  • Acquire job satisfaction in current career
  • Develop inclination towards spirituality
  • Gain leadership qualities

Kamalamunivar Pottri (Chants)

கமலமுனி நாதனே கயிலை மலை யோகனே நற்போத கமலமுனி சித்தரே போற்றி
இமவான் மகள் ஈசனின் தேவி அருள் உபதேசம் பெற்ற கமலமுனி சித்தரே போற்றி
அமரர் போற்றும் ஆருர் தலத்தில் அனந்த கால யோகம் கொண்ட கமலமுனி சித்தரே போற்றி
எமனது உலகம் புகுந்த உயிரையும் மீட்டு வரவல்ல கமலமுனி சித்தரே போற்றி

Meaning :

  • He who has deep Gnanam and performs yogic meditation at the Kailash mountain.
  • He who is the disciple of Parvathi Devi and has her divine grace.
  • He who had performed yogic meditation at the holy town of Thiruvarur.
  • The one who can bring the dead to life.

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