


A staunch follower of Lord Siva, he was in the habit of chewing betel leaves. An expert in writing yantras and in giving them life. Never followed a set pattern of life. Used to worship the Lord, following his whims and fancies, and reached the pinnacle of yoga. Many jealous colleagues wanted to destroy him. Forced to protect himself, with his own specialised mantras, he wrote a Yantra and created an indomitable sakti. After some years he left Tanjore and joined his group of siddhas and sat in samadhi. The powerful sakti he left behind still, patiently, awaits his return. In her jurisdiction, in all religious festivals, her creater, Karuvoorar, must be given his due, or else she would come down on the culprits heavily. With the blessings of Karuvoorar, one can become an expert ‘Tantric’. One can also become an expert in oration, hypnotism and mesmerism.


Karuvurar has very intense yogic powers. He possess fierce mental strength or willpower. He has an aptitude towards worldly pleasures and spiritual enlightenment. Karuvurar worship on Saturdays at the Pallikaranai Sakthi Temple provides, relief from all kinds of worries and miseries that affect the mind and Desired Growth in public life (especially those who are in politics).

How to Worship

Devotees are advised to visit the temple on  Saturday  for 12 to 18 weeks, sit at the Siddhar Sannidhi and pray to the specific Siddhar for 10 minutes with closed eyes in a meditative pose. Before commencing this prayer, you are required to light 5 ghee lamps, dedicate an Archanai to Divine Mother Mandhirappavai and recite the Siddhar Potrigal once. Optionally the devotees are encouraged to sponsor the Siddhar Malar Malai which is observed on all full-moon days during this 18-week worship. On completing this 18-week worship, you’ll start to observe positive changes in your life with the blessings on the Siddhars, we recommend continue visiting and praying the Siddhars at the temple on full-moon and no-moon days which is believed to enhance the results.We encourage interested devotees to sponsor the Full-moon Annadhanam at our temple where nearly 3000 people are fed as a mark of your thanksgiving, after benefitting from your worship.

Benefits of Worship

Praying to Karuvurar for 12 to 18 Saturdays (at our temple) will provide:

  • Relief from all kinds of worries and miseries that affect the mind
  • Desired growth in public life, especially for those in politics

Karuvoorar Pottri (Chants)

கள்ளத் தனமும் கயமை செயலும் கடிதாய் வெறுக்கும் கருவூர் சித்தரே போற்றி
தெள்ளத் தெளிந்த ஞானமும் திரிபடா சிந்தையும் உள்ள கருவூர் சித்தரே போற்றி
எள்ளத் தகா வாழ்வும் எவர்க்கும் உதவும் குணமும் கொண்ட கருவூர் சித்தரே போற்றி
உள்ளத் தாற்றலால் பெரு லிங்க பந்தனம் கட்டிய கருவூர் சித்தரே போற்றி

Meaning :

  • The one who hates wrong doers and deceptive people.
  • He who has clear Gnanam and steadfast willpower.
  • One who strives to live without others’ contempt and ever ready to help the needy.
  • The one who intalled (Ashta Bandhanam) the huge Lingam at the Thanjavur Big Temple with his mere willpower.

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