Pambatti Siddhar

Pambatti Siddhar2020-03-05T11:11:25+00:00


His period of existence and the place of his ‘Jeeva Samadhi’ are still a point for argument. Some state that he lived during the period of Bogar and other state that he existed a 1000 years ago. He was an expert in GNANA YOGA and has written a number of poems about ‘RAJA YOGA’. He nicknamed the breath as ‘snake’ and wrote the method of controlling the ‘snake’, and the way of getting numerous siddhis. He stayed in MARUTHA MALAI for sometime and established Lord MURUGA as the sakti of ‘SADATCHARA’ mantra. He has written about the siddhis of various siddhas in detail. He is one of the greatest siddha yogis.


This Yogic Siddhar is capable of Aadhaara Yogam. He performs miracles with the help of the Kundalini. He attained Yoga-Siddhi through the worship of Lord Murugan (the lord of the 6 aadhaarams). Worshipping him on Sundays at the Pallikaranai Sakthi temple one is relieved fromchronic or recurring diseases and gains improved resistance against diseases. Moreover, the devotee obtains complete liberation from the clutches of chronic diseases which do not have cure in modern medicine like, high/lowblood sugar, Blood Pressure (High/Low) and other chronic heart or blood related diseases.

How to Worship

Devotees are advised to visit the temple on Sunday for 12 to 18 weeks, sit at the Siddhar Sannidhi and pray to the specific Siddhar for 10 minutes with closed eyes in a meditative pose. Before commencing this prayer, you are required to light 5 ghee lamps, dedicate an Archanai to Divine Mother Mandhirappavai and recite the Siddhar Potrigal once. Optionally the devotees are encouraged to sponsor the Siddhar Malar Malai which is observed on all full-moon days during this 18-week worship. On completing this 18-week worship, you’ll start to observe positive changes in your life with the blessings on the Siddhars, we recommend continue visiting and praying the Siddhars at the temple on full-moon and no-moon days which is believed to enhance the results.We encourage interested devotees to sponsor the Full-moon Annadhanam at our temple where nearly 3000 people are fed as a mark of your thanksgiving, after benefitting from your worship.

Benefits of Worship

Praying to Paambaatti Siddhar for 12 to 18 Sundays (at our temple) will provide:

  • Relief from chronic or recurring diseases
  • Improved resistance against diseases
  • Complete liberation from the clutches of chronic diseases which do not have cure for in modern medicine like, blood sugar level (High/Low), Blood Pressure (High/Low) and other chronic heart or blood related diseases.

Pambattisiddhar Pottri (Chants)

பண்பு திகழ் பவித்ர குண்டலினி யோக சித்தி நாதரே பாம்பாட்டி சித்தரே போற்றி
அண்டம் புகழ் குரு மருந்து முடிக்கும் வாத வித்தகரே பாம்பாட்டி சித்தரே போற்றி
கண்கவர் எழிலோன் மருதமலை பெருமானை நிறுவித் தொழுத பாம்பாட்டி சித்தரே போற்றி
மண்ணுலக மாந்தர் அறிய குண்டலினி யோகமுறை அருளிய பாம்பாட்டி சித்தரே போற்றி

Meaning :

  • He who practices Adhaara-Kundalini Yogam.
  • He who prepares the Guru-Marunthu (an exceptional type of siddha medicine which cures all types of diseases).
  • He who installed and worshipped the Maruthamalai Murugan.
  • He who offered the Kundalini Yogam techniques to the people of the world in the form of poetry.

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